Finding Hope: Having a Baby During a Pandemic

We Are in Changing Times

Gone are the times of having friends and family meet the baby in the hospital when just hours old. Gone are the times of coming home to countless helping hands, ready to assist with siblings, new baby, and taking care of a recovering mother. Nowadays many mothers are lucky if they get to have their partner in the room with them for labor and delivery, much less recovery. And while visitors have to keep their social distance, and gifts and meal deliveries are left on the front porch rather than placed in hand, it is even more important than ever before to make sure our loved ones are cared for.

"Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had and dealing with fears you didn't know existed." - Linda Wooten

Parents and babies born during the COVID-19 era are finding they have to be stronger than they ever know. We’ve seen a video circulating around dedicated to the new mothers and babies of the pandemic called “Born in Quarantine”, and when we watched it there wasn’t a dry eye in the whole bunny barn.

This video captures the struggle, but also gives hope. Mommas, these times are tough, but you are too. Delivering babies in the coronavirus pandemic is giving new meaning to the saying "Tough As A Mother", and we are in awe of you, we commend you, and we too are here to support you.

Welcoming a Baby in a Pandemic

Our own founder, Krys, welcomed a new grandbaby to the family just a few shorts months ago. It wasn’t until just recently when she was finally able to meet her grandson and hug his new mothers. They all decided they couldn't dare take the risk of the mother or baby having exposure to the virus. Family and friends would be kept at bay to keep mom and baby safe both before she gave birth and after.

Welcoming Baby Home


The first time she laid eyes on him she couldn’t touch him. She couldn’t hold his tiny hand in hers and let him feel her warmth and love. He stayed in his car seat, and her standing outside, wearing a mask for his and her own protection. She hoped he would grow to know her voice and know her love when the physical bond of family and child is not possible.

Meeting New Baby


Finding a Way Ahead

Rather than dwell on the things that she could not do, she focused on the new ways in which she could build a connection. She FaceTimes with the family, and she videoed herself reading to him. Her favorite book, “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” perfectly captures the love she has for all her children and grandchildren, so it was only fitting she chose this book and decided to share it with us all. She made the video as a keepsake they can all remember for a lifetime. So happy times can be born from these challenges. 

Krys coped as she turned the charming characters of Cricket Island into face masks to help keep others safe, she developed face masks for stuffed animals to help kids cope with this strange new world.

She did what the bunnies do best, she found a way, and so will you!

Founder of Bunnies By The Bay, Krys Kirkpatrick


Thank you for this story. As a soon to be First Time Grandparent who’s daughter works in an Emergency Department my fear is daily. I am a long time friend of Joe and Cyndi Orr and have watched their daughter and yours navagate these last few months understanding their fear too. My daughter developed some late term problems and not being able to have her husband at any appointments is a scary thing. Their little boy is due at the end of this month and not being able to be at the hospital makes my heart sad. Trials are part of life but who would have ever dreamed of a Covid baby. Thank you again for this story and I’m going to be hopeful you don’t mind me stealing some of your ideas. Lou Payne

Mari-Lou Payne August 25, 2020

Crying my eyes out. Very inspiring

jeanne August 25, 2020

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